I have a msbuild exec task that calls a cmd file to setup my database.
I am using the msbuild exec task like this:
<Exec Command="$(SqlFolder)\Setup\SetupDatabase.cmd $(DBServer) MyDB $(SqlCmdRunner)" IgnoreExitCode="False">
<Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" ItemName="DBSetupExitCode"/>
In the setup cmd, it uses osql to run my sql scripts.
Everything is fine, except that when I create a sql file (table/stored proc, etc..) in VS 2008, the encoding (UTF-8?) causes a problem when I run from MSBuild. I receive an incorrect syntax error (near a character that looks like an U), but the syntax is correct. If I execute the cmd outside of MSBuild it works as expected.
If I "Save As" the sql file and "Save with Encoding" US-ASCII, msbuild will NOT error out which is why I think it is an Encoding issue.
While the "Save As" works for now, it seems like there should be a better way. I would imagine others using MSBuild to setup their db have run into this problem, so looking for advice/tips.