We are currently in the process of migrating from Server 2003 to Server 2008. We have a few different environment changes for our ASP.NET application. Our Test Environment is working perfectly at this time, but the production machine with same code is injecting Invalid Characters into the SQL.
The following is the SQL I see via SQL Server Profiler.
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[VenuePDID], [t0].[VenueID], [t0].[VenueNumber], [t0].[MarketID], [t0].[ProgramID], [t0].[VenueTypeID], [t0].[SalesTypeID], [t0].[BackBarPaymentID], [t0].[Goal], [t0].[LocationTypeID], [t0].[VenueStatus], [t0].[Tab1ConfirmDate], [t0].[Tab1ConfirmedBy], [t0].[Tab2ConfirmDate], [t0].[Tab2ConfirmedBy], [t0].[DateContractRequested], [t0].[ContractRequestedBy], [t0].[ContractTypeRequested], [t0].[ContractAmtRequested], [t0].[ContractAmtLimit], [t0].[ContractSalesAmtRequested], [t0].[ContractSalesAmtMax], [t0].[ContractPerVistAmtLimit], [t0].[ContractSalesPerVisitAmtLimit], [t0].[ActiveDate], [t0].[InactiveDate], [t0].[WebsiteRejected], [t0].[ResponsibleGM], [t0].[CreateDate], [t0].[CreatedBः㐈 [1]
[1] 볧इ퀄㐀SELECT [t0].dBy], [t0].[timestamp], [t0].[DetailConfirmDate], [t0].[DetailConfirmBy], [t0].[SalesConfirmDate], [t0].[SalesConfirmBy], [t0].[ContractTypeId]
FROM [dbo].[tbl_VenueProgramDetails] AS [t0]
WHERE ([t0].[VenueID] = @p0) AND ([t0].[ProgramID] = @p1)',N'@p0 int,@p1 int',@p0=7477,@p1=27
I've copied all of the dll's from the working test environment and I get the same thing. I have also pointed the test web server at the live db and the code works. I've pointed the live web server to the test db and the code fails just like above. At this point the issue has to be with IIS7 configuration or .Net on the production server. I cannot seem to pin point it though. Has anyone see this before?