I am confused about how to go adding objects (images,etc) into an app. I will keep my example very basic so I can get a grasp on this. Let's say I want simple objects in an app. Say they are the smilies like the ones that are available in this forum software. If you wanted to add a bunch (like 4 not 400) to a view, is it better to just add them with using a UIImage or should you create a "smilieGuy" class with the various smiley face images (happy, sad, mad) and a method to change their mood (image to reflect mood). From what I understand, with the class you could create a happy object, a sad object, etc in your view based off of the class and then at anytime you could say changeMood and change the image to whatever mood you wanted.
Is the class approach actually possible and is it a better approach?