I wrote a kind of build system for Excel which imports the VBA code from source files (which can then be imported into source control, diffed, etc.). It works by creating a new Excel file which contains the imported code, so it might not work in your case.
The build macro looks like this, I save it in a file called Build.xls:
Sub Build()
Dim path As String
path = "excelfiles"
Dim vbaProject As VBIDE.VBProject
Set vbaProject = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
ChDir "C:\Excel"
' Below are the files that are imported
vbaProject.VBComponents.Import (path & "\something.frm")
vbaProject.VBComponents.Import (path & "\somethingelse.frm")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "Output.xls"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Now, the VBIDE stuff means you have to import a reference called “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3", I think.
Of course you still have the problem with having to start Excel to build. This can be fixed with a small VB script:
currentPath = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") _
filePath = currentPath & "\" & "Build.xls"
Dim objXL
Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With objXL
.Application.Run "Build.Build"
End With
Set objXL = Nothing
Running the above script should start the build Excel file which outputs the resulting sheet. You problably have to change some things to make it movable in the file system. Hope this helps!