




The question follows the horizontal rule; my own answer precedes it.

Based on help from Oscar Reyes, I crafted this solution:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class MyApp extends JFrame {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        new MyApp();

    public MyApp() {
        String i = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Enter your name:", getTitle(), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
        if(null != i) {
            JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Your name is:", getTitle(), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, null, i.concat(i));

Notice I display my output in a JOptionPane.showInputDialog also. This way the output is highlighted in a text field so I can simply press CTRL+C to copy the output to the system clipboard and them press ESC to dismiss the application.

I've created a trivial GUI for my trivial application. My application prompts for a single input with a JOptionPane.showInputDialog, performs a calculation, and then displays a single output with a JOptionPane.showMessageDialog. I sometimes switch to a maximized browser window or something else to copy from, and then want to switch back to my JOptionPane dialog to paste into.

I want to have my JOptionPane dialog show up as a task on the taskbar so I could switch to it like nearly any other running program. I prefer JOptionPane's simplicity, rather than having to create a JFrame, a FlowLayout, an Icon, a JTextField, a JButton, an ActionListener, and so on, and so on.

  • Can JOptionPane show up as a task on the taskbar?
  • If so, how do I get it to show up?
  • If not, is there anything else that's a one-liner like[whatever]dialog()?
+4  A: 
I can Alt+Tab to it in XP also; that's nothing new. Sometimes I forget it's there and launch it again, only to find a few unused instances of it when I minimize everything else.
I was wondering if you couldn't ( which would be very strange ). So, what do you think about using the frame as shown? If you pack that on function, you can pretty much have the same one line behavior you expect ( aflter all that's exactly what "showInputDialog does" pack a bunch of calls into one.
I find that your code compiles perfectly without importing java.awt.* by the way.
ahh yes. Probably I initally use showXX( ( Component ) null , etc, etc ) and didn't remove the awt stuff
Adding the frame and having it be the parent of the JOptionPane dialogs works great for what I am doing.
What did you do there with the double braces and method calls? Is that called an inner class? Javac creates a file OptionTest$1.class. I eliminated that by using frame.setUndecorated(true); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); and eliminating that block.
Ahh yes, that's better. I was trying to create an "online" instance like: showXXXDialog( new JFrame("t"){{setUndec.. setVisi. etc}}, "dialog", "title" ); ] But then I realize the reference is needed for the "dispose". So I create the variable but just didn't feel like correcting the double brace :)
And yes that's an "anonymous inner class" for you cannot reference it by name. The compiler created a .class with a name like the one you've described.