+2  A: 

No problem. This is possible.
what is your problem with the above code?

Edit As Chad said, the above code is not working because you named to __construct() as __constructor(). See http://nl3.php.net/oop5.magic

Pim Jager
nah it dont work! http://www.homestansted.co.uk/te.php?pid=4ga44

You can do that no problem. The biggest question is: should you do that? Some might argue that you should pass the $_GET value in rather than getting it directly.

yeah i hear you but i want the class to be self contained.
+3  A: 

If it's not working, it's probably because you've named the function


when the correct name is

Chad Birch
sorry, thats comming from a c++ background..
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Pim Jager