I'm currently evaluating maven to improve our build process. The building and creating of normal jar files works so far, although I'm not entirely happy with the Maven IDE.
I'm now at that point, where all libs I need for our project are built, and I'm moving on to the Eclipse RCP projects. And now I'm not sure how to go on.
There are some plugins I need to build first, before moving on to the actual RCP part. Therefore I have actually 3 problems.
I want to build those plugins, the only real solution for that seems to be the maven-bundle-plugin: http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-maven-bundle-plugin-bnd.html
But, For nice IDE integration I also need the appropriate files (plugin.xml, build.properties, etc ...) which should be generated automatically.
For building the RCP parts, it seems so far the only solution is only the pde-maven-plugin http://mojo.codehaus.org/pde-maven-plugin/ which, as far as I can tell, uses ant-pde. This is stupid, isn't it?
The only other thing I could found was tycho (http://www.sonatype.com/people/2008/11/building-eclipse-plugins-with-maven-tycho/) , but this is till in a very early stage.
and again, a nice Eclipse integration is necessary. I really, really, really don't want to specify dependencies twice.
So How do you build your Eclipse RCP projects with maven?
For now, it seems that there is no such solution available. Tycho looks very promising, but I wasted 2 days and didn't get it to run (the current version at this point). Maybe it will be ready in half a year or so.