



Hi, I created a outlook add-in using VSTO 2008. I didn't create a separate ribbon/group for this add-in. Instead VSTO automatically create the add-in button in the built-in Ribbon when Outlook starts. Now how do I customize the tooltip of that add-in icon?

Here is the snippet to add label and icon for my add-in

    public class QMemoRegionFactory : QRegionFactory, Microsoft.Office.Tools.Outlook.IFormRegionFactory
        public DougFormTest()
            this._Manifest.FormRegionName = "DougForm";
            this._Manifest.Icons.Page = global::DougForm.OutlookAddin.Properties.Resources.DougIcon_big;


+1  A: 

Does you app generate any ribbon XML that you know of? The property names that can set tooltip text for buttons on a Ribbon are ScreenTip and SuperTip.

Alternatively, create your own custom ribbon XML and set the label, icon, and screentip to be whatever you want.

Cory Larson