



I've been trying to optimize my code to make it a little more concise and readable and was hoping I wasn't causing poorer performance from doing it. I think my changes might have slowed down my application, but it might just be in my head. Is there any performance difference between:

Command.Parameters["@EMAIL"].Value = email ?? String.Empty;


Command.Parameters["@EMAIL"].Value = (email == null) ? String.Empty: email;


if (email == null)
Command.Parameters["@EMAIL"].Value = String.Empty
Command.Parameters["@EMAIL"].Value = email

My preference for readability would be the null coalescing operator, I just didn't want it to affect performance. Thanks!

+30  A: 

IMHO, optimize for readability and understanding - any run-time performance gains will likely be minimal compared to the time it takes you in the real-world when you come back to this code in a couple months and try to understand what the heck you were doing in the first place.

Of course, bear in mind that a lot of programmers can read ? : statements just as fast as regular if statements. In some cases they are even more clear than using if / else statements without braces.
Chris Lively
I agree. Many posts here are performance questions, asking about minor tweaks (is ++ faster than +=1?) that don't really matter. Speed comes from algorithmic complexity: reducing massive mem-copies, searching containers quickly, hashing appropriately. Minor tweaks have no performance impact.
-1: While chublogga's points are all true and valid and well phrased, they don't answer the original question. The OP is a grown-up who can make his own architecture/readability choices, and CasperOne's answer is really a more interesting and direct answer to the specific question of performance.
I didn't answer the original question because it was the wrong question to begin with.
+3  A: 

I suspect there won't be any performance difference.

Next to that, I wonder why you would have any concerns of favoring one statement over the other in this case ? I mean: the performance impact (if there should be any), would be minimal. IMHO, this would be a kind of micro-optimization, and it shouldn't be worth the effort.
I would choose the statement that is most readable, most clear, and not worry about performance since it would be of minimal influence (in this case).

Frederik Gheysels
The way it was originally written was a bunch of if statements and when I changed it, it seemed like the program took a little performance hit. Maybe it was an isolated incident but it sparked my interest more than anything.
+4  A: 

Almost no significant performance difference. It is all about readable code.

Chris Ballance
+25  A: 

You are trying to micro-optimize here, and that's a big no-no. Unless you have performance analytics which are showing you that this is an issue, it's not even worth changing.

The correct answer is whatever is easier to maintain.

For the hell of it though, the IL for the null coalescing operator is:

L_0001: ldsfld string ConsoleApplication2.Program::myString
L_0006: dup 
L_0007: brtrue.s L_000f
L_0009: pop 
L_000a: ldsfld string [mscorlib]System.String::Empty
L_000f: stloc.0

And the IL for the switch is:

L_0001: ldsfld string ConsoleApplication2.Program::myString
L_0006: brfalse.s L_000f
L_0008: ldsfld string ConsoleApplication2.Program::myString
L_000d: br.s L_0014
L_000f: ldsfld string [mscorlib]System.String::Empty
L_0014: stloc.0

For the null coalescing operator, if the value is null, then six of the statements are executed, whereas with the switch, four operations are performed.

In the case of a not null value, the null coalescing operator performs four operations versus five operations.

Of course, this assumes that all IL operations take the same amount of time, which is not the case.

Anyways, hopefully you can see how optimizing on this micro scale can start to diminish returns pretty quickly.

That being said, in the end, whatever is the easiest to read and maintain in this case is the right answer.

'L_0006: dup' - Showing my own ignorance here, but why would it need to dup here?
Sean Bright
Ohhh, I see. If it's non-null it's stored at 000f and not popped. Makes sense.
Sean Bright
what about string.IsNullOrEmpty()?
@SkippyFire: That's going to take even more IL instructions, since the method call has to be made, and it will just do something similar to above.
The method call would probally be inlined when its jitted wouldn't it?
+6  A: 

I think my changes might have slowed down my application, but it might just be in my head.

Unless you are actually measuring performance, it's all in your head and idle speculation.

(Not to pick on you in particular, but it is so disappointing to see question after question about performance micro-optimizations (as well as many of the answers) that do not contain the word "measure".)
