Hi,I need some videos lectures to learn them myself because I am not a computer science student. Can you share some with me? Thanks.
Berkeley Web Casts have several semesters of videos directly from several CS courses, including Operating Systems:
2009-02-14 08:02:15
But there is nothing about unix or networking.:(
2009-02-14 14:54:03
Why was this downvoted? OF COURSE there is stuff about UNIX and networking. If I read my answer, it looks like I did mention Operating Systems (aka CS 162 in Berkeley-speak)
2009-02-14 19:46:46
Have you tried iTunes? They have a section called iTunes U, where universities and other educational resources can post audio and video.
I did a search for networks. Here are some results:
MIT 6.033 Computer System Engineering, Spring 2005 (see lecture 9-12) iTunes, they also have them on youtube
Rocky Valley College, Network Essentials iTunes
A search for unix didn't turn up to much. Here is a result:
- Unix/Linux System Programming iTunes
Tao Zhyn
2009-02-14 08:28:02