



If you have a layout that has in a menu which gets its menu items from a database. Where is the recommended place in a Rails application to place that call and assigns it to the instance variable that the layout uses?

1. @menuitems # exists in application.html.erb
2. @menuitems = MenuItem.find(:all) # code exists somewhere (where should this exist?)

@womble - Yes a before_filter would be helpful, but I would have to include it in all controllers using this layout, or is this something I can put in the application_controller.rb, would the child controllers and accompanying views be able to see that instance variable?


Martin Fowler has described direct calls to active record function within template code one of the weaknesses of Rails' MVC structure. For best practices, you should create a member function within a model class and call that function from your template (including the layout template).

  • The function you want should defined somewhere in app/models
Joe Soul-bringer

That sort of call should exist in the Controller layer of the system. Since it's something that looks like it needs to happen globally, I'd probably put it in a before_filter, and hate myself for doing it. Getting data that's needed for a layout is a bit fugly in Rails, no matter which way you do it.

+6  A: 

Yes, you can define and set this as a before_filter in your application controller. All your controllers will call that before filter. It's not all that uncommon to set global instance variables this way.

An alternative is to use a memoization method in application controller and set is as a helper method, in a similar way to the popular current_user methods. The instance variable would then be nicely wrapped by your memoization function. For example:

def menu_items
  @menu_items ||= MenuItem.all
helper_method :menu_items

Now just call menu_items from your layout instead of using @menu_items directly.

I suppose its worth mentioning that putting this in application controller is somewhat unnecessary. If you're only going to use this in your view / layout, you could put it directly in a helper module, such as LayoutHelper. You will need to use helper :all (or at least helper :layout) in your application controller.

This is somewhat of personal preference - you may or may not like having ActiveRecord calls in your helpers. But, if there's a time to do so, this would be it.
