I am trying to assign some javascript variables in a Django template.
I am having a problem where the values I am assigning are being written to the page properly (I can see them in the page source), but still come up as null
I am doing this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var coords = [];
{% for i in item_list %}
coords.push([ {{i.x}}, {{i.y}} ]);
{% endfor %}
This is the page source that is produced:
coords.push([ -320.435118373, -149.333637576 ]);
coords.push([ -120.41321373 , -329.312376 ]);
It seems to be perfectly valid javascript, however, using Firebug to view the value of coords
, this is what is produced:
[[null, null], [null, null], [null, null]...[null, null]]
So it's apparent that each of the push()
calls is going off correctly and a new array of size 2 is being added each time. However, for some reason, the numeric literals all evaluate to null
Does anyone know how I can get these values to be used properly?
UPDATE: It appears that the values in the array are fine until I pass them into the jQuery flot plugin:
$.plot($('#mapWrapper'), coords, options);
So I guess this doesn't have anything to do with the way I am using the Django templates after all. Still, I am curious as to what the problem is with $.plot