I'm wondering where PHP programmers ask and answer programming questions?
I don't imagine there is one "main forum" for PHP developers. You'll probably find that there are a lot of PHP developers here: see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/php
PHP Freaks is a big, active community and is the most popular I know of. But to be honest ever since I discovered SO I haven't been there since ;)
Stack Overflow for me. At least, when I want a solid answer in a hurry. Other venues suffer from stagnation (question go a long time without answer), noob intolerance or an inability to answer more complicated questions. Stack Overflow just gets it done.
I found http://forums.devshed.com/php-development-5/ great when I was starting out.
I know the PHP forum is just a slice of the pie that is "Dev Shed", it is however pretty active with some smart brains to pick.
As everyone said before, I haven't really been back there since coming to Stack Overflow...