I would appreciate any help with this problem, I have spent hours trying to diagnose it myself to no avail and haven't received a single response when posting it to the Netbeans user list and the bugs list.
Netbeans is an excellent IDE, and I have loved it since switching over from Eclipse a few months back. I do Java on Unix and Win32, and PHP on both, plus C on Linux (using Visual Studio on Windows as well). The problem is that I am far too accustomed to using the scroll wheel while coding now, and it doesn't work with Netbeans.
I am running Netbeans 6.5 on Vista (sp1) with a Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 6000. The scroll wheel refuses to work in any window, and mouse gestures on my laptop track pad also don't work (less important). My platform details are:
Software: Vista Sp1 Product Version: NetBeans IDE 6.5 (Build 200811100001) Java: 1.6.0_03; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_03-b05 System: Windows Vista version 6.0 running on x86; Cp1252; en_AU (nb) Hardware: Mouse: Microsoft Wireless Lasermouse 6000 Driver First Attempt: Mouse Driver: HID-compliant mouse Driver provider: Microsoft Date: 21/06/2006 Driver Version: 6.0.6001.18000 Driver Second Attempt: Mouse Driver: Microsoft Wireless USB Mouse Driver provider: Microsoft Date: 26/11/2008 Driver Version:
I found a very old bug report that said the problem was because Microsoft started enabling smooth scrolling by default, meaning the Input API would spit out smaller scroll values - but no matter how much I spin the wheel the document doesn't move.
I also tried rolling the driver back, re-installing and newest drivers etc. Would appreciate any pointers on this problem, I am sure other people are also experiencing it as I have found a lot of references to the same problem online, but without solutions.
I tried another Logitech mouse that I have (MX5000) and it's scrollwheel also doesn't work. I assigned page up and page down shortcuts to two of the extra mouse buttons, but it just isn't the same. Please please can somebody who is using Netbeans on Vista help me out with this, its killing me!
The funny thing is, this mouse and scroll wheel work fine with Netbeans on Linux..