



Hi everyone,

I'm currently coding a French website. There's a schedule page, where a link on the side can be used to load another day's schedule.

(At the moment, only the links for November 13th and November 14th work)

Here's the JS I'm using to do this:

 <script type="text/javascript">
 function load(y) {
  $.get(y,function(d) {
 function mod() {
  $("#dates a").click(function() {
   y = $(this).attr("href");
   return false;

The actual AJAX works like a charm. My problem lies with the response to the request.

Because it is a French website, there are many accented letters. I'm using the ISO-8859-15 charset for that very reason. However, in the response to my AJAX request, the accents are becoming ?'s because the character encoding seems to be changed back to UTF-8.

How do I avoid this? I've already tried adding some PHP at the top of the requested documents to set the character set:

<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15'); ?>

But that doesn't seem to work either. Any thoughts?

Also, while any of you are looking here...why does the rightmost column seem to become smaller when a new page is loaded, causing the table to distort and each <li> within the <td> to wrap to the next line?


+5  A: 

UTF-8 is supposed to handle all accents and foreign chars - why not use it on your data source?

Here's a test file with your data

Everything should be UTF-8 in the first place. I loaded the files in notepad++, converted to utf-8 and manually changed the charactes to accents were needed. Once done everything's working like a charm.

BTW, unless your server is defined to php-process .html files, the files you're loading with ajax aren't getting your iso charset. If you insist on using the iso charset, request a php file instead of an html file, and define the charset in the header (not in the file itself)

Doesn't work. Here's the page with a UTF-8 charset: you can see, the accents are still getting butchered.
That shouldn't happen. What's your data source? Database? Flat text file?
That's not with the data source, even though the same thing happens. That's if you just load an HTML page with accents on a UTF-8 charset.
Again - shouldn't be a problem. Here's your page converted to utf-8. Eveythings cool, browser has no problems reading it:
I also agree that there shouldn't be a problem with UTF-8.
You can't copy and past - I hade to manually change the source for the first time for the accents to show up. But once I did, everything is working fine...
What do you mean by manually change the source? I copied the entire source from your test.html and put it in my horaire.html, including the tags where you set the encoding. I'm really sorry for the trouble. :P
Pas de problemes :) What editor do you use? you have to make sure your file is saved as utf-8
I'm an idiot. I saved it correctly and it worked perfectly. Thanks a lot! :D
+2  A: 

You need to set up your server to use ISO-8859-15 as the character encoding (adding the appropriate HTTP header). Doing it in the body of the html won't help.

I can see this line

<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15'); ?>

at the source of your html. This shouldn't happen. Using Live HTTP Headers I can't see the appropriate charset HTTP header. Use that for both your first page and the ajax service.

+3  A: 

When printing out the variables in the ajax file. Put a


Around them, see if it works. Worked for me in an Icelandic ajax application.

Ólafur Waage
Thanx Ólafur it's a very simple solution that just works!
+4  A: 

Specifying the content type on the AJAX-call solved my problems on a Norwegian site.

        data: parameters,
        type: "POST",
        url: ajax_url,
        timeout: 20000,
        contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=ISO-8859-15",
        dataType: 'json',
        success: callback

You would also have to specify the charset on the server.

<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15'); ?>

I´ve had the same problem with pages that:

  • Show up fine when called normally
  • Have the special characters messed up when called via an ajax request

To solve the problem (using php), I used utf8_encode() or htmlentities() on the source data. Both worked, I have used them in different projects.


But what if you can't change what the server sends? I have exactly the same problem trying to get a HTML page that is ISO-8859-1 encoded and do some parsing with it. But I have no way to change the backend. Is there any hope?

+1  A: 

I DONT AGREE everything must be UTF-8, you can make it work perfectly with ISO 8859, I did, please read my response here.

my response in stackoverflow

Rodrigo Asensio

Use contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8",

+4  A: 


what helped me on the eventualy

You're a hero, this helped me send accented letters like é through an AJAX request.
Matt Andrews

You can use windows-1252, UTF-8 didn't work for me either

link text


I would strongl suggest the use of the javascript escape() method

you can use this with jQuery by grabbing a form value like so:

var encodedString = escape($("#myFormFieldID").val());


Thank you. That worked perfectly like a bear with berry!


"var encodedString = escape($("#myFormFieldID").val());"

Work nice (utf-8) with %20 and polish characters other than "ó", ó - returns xFFFD. try "zażółcić" -> zaż�łcić.

Other ideas ?


Hi People I was having similar problems, working in a content comments system in our Spanish Portal. What finally solved my problem, after many hours of searching, instead of messing with jQuery charset, that seems to use utf-8 no matter what, it was to decode from utf-8 back to ISO-8859-1 in the PHP that processed the ajax POST. In PHP there is a built in function, utf8_decode(), so the first thing I do with the comments string is this: $comentario = utf8_decode($_POST['comentario']);

(and then I used nl2br() and htmlentities() PHP functions in order to prepare the text to be stored with html entities instead of special chars)

Good Luck & Peace all over! Seba

Sebastian Alberoni

I have been fiddling around with this problem and found out that this solution works for Firefox and safari (yes, im on a mac at the moment).

when getting the request, i made a content-type=iso-8859-1 here:

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ...
  httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        if (httpRequest.overrideMimeType) {
            httpRequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1');

Please tell me if someone finds out this doesn't work in ie.
