



Using Python, I am trying to solve problem #4 of the Project Euler problems. Can someone please tell me what I am doing incorrectly? The problem is to Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. Here is what I have thus far.

import math

def main(): 
    for z in range(100, 1000):
     for y in range(100, 1000):
      for x in range(1, 1000000):
       x = str(x)
       if x == x[::-1] and x == z*y:
        print x 

if __name__ == '__main__':

I removed my solution to pastebin so my crappy solution isn't immediatly visible...

EDIT: Looking back at this now, I'm kinda ashamed =P.

EDIT 2: I'll actually try to address your question...

You don't have to do the x iteration at all. You can simply compute x as y * z. That will then print out all of the palindromes. Then you need to pick out the largest.

Good luck!

Mike Boers
+8  A: 

Try computing x from the product of z and y rather than checking every number from 1 to a million. Think about it: if you were asked to calculate 500*240, which is more efficient - multiplying them, or counting up from 1 until you find the right answer?

David Zaslavsky
+1  A: 

comparing string with an integer in

x == z*y

there are also logical errors

start in reverse order range(999, 99, -1). that'll be more efficient. remove third loop and second comparison altogether.


The question states:

What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143?

I solved this using C#, but the algorithm itself is language-agnostic.

  1. Create a method for determining if a number is prime or not. This can be brute-force (rather than using a much more efficient sieving algorithm) and looks like this:

private static long IsPrime(long input)
            if ((input % 2) == 0)
                return 2;
            else if ((input == 1))
                return 1;
                long threshold = (Convert.ToInt64(Math.Sqrt(input)));
                long tryDivide = 3;
                while (tryDivide < threshold)
                    if ((input % tryDivide) == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Found a factor: " + tryDivide);
                        return tryDivide;
                    tryDivide += 2;
                Console.WriteLine("Found a factor: " + input);
                return -1;
  1. Once I have a function to determine primality, I can use this function to find the highest prime factor

private static long HighestPrimeFactor(long input)
    bool searching = true;
    long highestFactor = 0;
    while (searching)
        long factor = IsPrime(input);
        if (factor != -1)
            input = input / factor; 
        if (factor == -1)
            highestFactor = theFactors.Max();
            searching = false;
    return highestFactor;

I hope this helps without giving too much away.

Chris Ballance
I believe the OP means question 4
Gregg Lind
The algorithm may be agnostic, but a C# implementation can be difficult to follow if you don't know the language. Psuedocode would have been nicer.
John Fouhy
Original poster did typo and say 3 when he meant 4; later edited.
Jenn D.
+5  A: 

Some efficiency issues:

  1. start at the top (since we can use this in skipping a lot of calculations)
  2. don't double-calculate
def is_palindrome(n):
    s = str(n)
    return s == s[::-1]

def biggest():
    big_x, big_y, max_seen = 0,0, 0
    for x in xrange(999,99,-1):
        for y in xrange(x, 99,-1):  # so we don't double count   
            if x*y < max_seen: continue  # since we're decreasing, 
                                # nothing else in the row can be bigger
            if is_palindrome(x*y):
                big_x, big_y, max_seen = x,y, x*y

    return big_x,big_y,max_seen

# (993, 913, 906609)
Gregg Lind
You could probably write the inner loop as "for y in xrange(x, 99, -1)" and thereby save some computation.
Nikhil Chelliah
oh you're right! I'll edit it!
Gregg Lind
That was mostly a typo. it should be pretty tight now.
Gregg Lind
That also means you can remove "if y > x: continue". But yes, good solution. +1
Nikhil Chelliah
Woah, misread it this time. Actually "if (x*y) > max_seen:" is the redundant statement now.
Nikhil Chelliah
fixed, thanks nikhil! trying to do this stuff on the fly, one makes mistakes.
Gregg Lind
This is pretty much the same evolution my C# code followed. Though part of me wishes you hadn't posted the answer...
Austin Salonen
If me posting the answer for Euler #4 ruins the problem, then I apologize, but I doubt it will spoil things for many. OP tagged this python, so python it is!
Gregg Lind

I will assume you actually mean Euler #4:

A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 99.

Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

See my discussion solution in C# here. This may point you in the right direction for a Python implementation.

Chris Ballance
+1  A: 

rather than enumerating all products of 3-digit numbers (~900^2 iterations), enumerate all 6- and 5-digit palyndromes (this takes ~1000 iterations); then for each palyndrome decide whether it can be represented by a product of two 3-digit numbers (if it can't, it should have a 4-digit prime factor, so this is kind of easy to test).

also, you are asking about problem #4, not #3.

it's more tedious to write a memoizing factorizer than to just seive the numbers, in this case.
Gregg Lind
And the factorization is not free either, so you don't gain that much, if anything at all.

If your program is running slow, and you have nested loops like this:

for z in range(100, 1000):
    for y in range(100, 1000):
        for x in range(1, 1000000):

Then a question you should ask yourself is: "How many times will the body of the innermost loop execute?" (the body of your innermost loop is the code that starts with: x = str(x))

In this case, it's easy to figure out. The outer loop will execute 900 times. For each iteration the middle loop will also execute 900 times – that makes 900×900, or 810,000, times. Then, for each of those 810,000 iterations, the inner loop will itself execute 999,999 times. I think I need a long to calculate that:

>>> 900*900*999999

In other words, you're doing your palindrome check almost 810 billion times. If you want to make it into the Project Euler recommended limit of 1 minute per problem, you might want to optimise a little :-) (see David's comment)

John Fouhy

This is what I did in Java:

public class Euler0004
    //assumes positive int
    static boolean palindrome(int p)
     //if there's only one char, then it's
     //  automagically a palindrome
     if(p < 10)
      return true;

     char[] c = String.valueOf(p).toCharArray();

     //loop over the char array to check that
     //  the chars are an in a palindromic manner
     for(int i = 0; i < c.length / 2; i++)
      if(c[i] != c[c.length-1 - i])
       return false;

     return true;

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
     int num;
     int max = 0;

     //testing all multiples of two 3 digit numbers.
     // we want the biggest palindrome, so we
     // iterate backwards
     for(int i = 999; i > 99; i--)
      // start at j == i, so that we
      //  don't calc 999 * 998 as well as
      //  998 * 999...
      for(int j = i; j > 99; j--)
       num = i*j;

       //if the number we calculate is smaller
       //  than the current max, then it can't
       //  be a solution, so we start again
       if(num < max)

       //if the number is a palindrome, and it's
       //  bigger than our previous max, it
       //  could be the answer
       if(palindrome(num) && num > max)
        max = num;

     //once we've gone over all of the numbers
     //  the number remaining is our answer

+2  A: 

Here's some general optimizations to keep in mind. The posted code handles all of this, but these are general rules to learn that might help with future problems:

1) if you've already checked z = 995, y = 990, you don't need to check z = 990, y = 995. Greg Lind handles this properly

2) You calculate the product of z*y and then you run x over a huge range and compare that value to y*z. For instance, you just calculated 900*950, and then you run x from 1000 to 1M and see if x = 900*950. DO you see the problem with this?

3) Also, what happens to the following code? (this is why your code is returning nothing, but you shouldn't be doing this anyway)

x = str(100)
y = 100
print x == y

4) If you figure out (3), you're going to be printing a lot of information there. You need to figure out a way to store the max value, and only return that value at the end.

5) Here's a nice way to time your Euler problems:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    tStart = time.time()
    print "Answer = " + main()
    print "Run time = " + str(time.time() - tStart)
oh, yeah. . .there's also a way to handle palindrome mathematically, but my method doesn't seem to be any faster than converting to string, and checking. Still, it's a good exercise.

The other advice here is great. This code also works. I start with 999 because we know the largest combination possible is 999*999. Not python, but some quickly done pseudo code.

public static int problem4()
    int biggestSoFar=0;
        for(int i = 999; i>99;i--){
            for(int j=999; j>99;j--){
        return biggestSoFar;    