



I'm looking into writing a proxy aggregator for feeds, where a handful of users specify a feed URL and some set of conditions, and the system outputs a continually-updated RSS/Atom feed of entries that match those conditions.

Are there best practices for feed aggregators? (Or filtering feed proxies?)

For example:

  • Are there certain feed elements that should or shouldn't be modified be proxies?
  • How should a feed proxy/parser indicate that it's not passing along a pristine copy of the original feed?
  • Does it make sense to delegate the work of downloading/updating to a third party aggregator platform, e.g. the Google Feed API? I presume that'll save a lot of work, vs. having to do updates, 301 handling, etc. by myself.

Thanks for your help.

+1  A: 

Don't get bought by

Sam Hasler
+2  A: 

Do not query any feed more frequently than 30 minutes. Use caching.

Adam Davis
30 seconds? Heck, I was thinking 30 minutes...
eep! You're right. Lemme get my units out...
Adam Davis
+1  A: 

You could use also Yahoo Pipes, I guess... Or this one: