



I have a heirarchical folder full of Python unit-tests. They are all importable ".py" files which define TestCase objects. This folder contains thousands of files in many nested subdirectories and was written by somebody else. I do not have permission to change it, I just have to run it.

I want to generate a single TestSuite object which contains all of the TestCases in the folder. Is there an easy and elegant way to do this?


+4  A: 

The nose application may be useful for you, either directly, or to show how to implement this. seems to be the home page.

Basically, what you want to do is walk the source tree (os.walk), use imp.load_module to load the module, use unittest.defaultTestLoader to load the tests from the module into a TestSuite, and then use that in whatever way you need to use it.

Or at least that's approximately what I do in my custom TestRunner implementation (bzr get

Lars Wirzenius
+2  A: 

Look at the unittest.TestLoader (

And the os.walk (

You should be able to traverse your package tree using the TestLoader to build a suite which you can then run.

Something along the lines of this.

runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
superSuite = unittest.TestSuite()
for path, dirs, files in os.walk( 'path/to/tree' ):
    # if a CVS dir or whatever: continue
    for f in files:
        # if not a python file: continue
        suite= unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule( os.path.join(path,f)
        superSuite .addTests(suite ) # OR suite) superSuite )

You can either walk through the tree simply running each test ( or you can accumulate a superSuite of all individual suites and run the whole mass as a single test ( superSuite )).

You don't need to do both, but I included both sets of suggestions in the above (untested) code.

+1  A: 

The test directory of the Python Library source shows the way. The README file describes how to write Python Regression Tests for library modules.

The module starts with:

"""Regression test.

This will find all modules whose name is "test_*" in the test
directory, and run them.