



I want to match an input string to my PHP page the same way a match done by the LIKE command in SQL (MySQL) for consistency of other searches. Since (I have seen but don't comprehend) some of the PHP syntax includes SQL commands I am wondering if this is possible?

The reason for this is I am now implementing a search of a keyword versus fields in the DB that are stored in a serialized array, which I have to unserialize in PHP and search depending on the structure of the array. I can't query against the table, just need the matching ability of the query. Otherwise I need to find an alternate matching routine, which won't be consistent. I can't go back and re-structure the DB since this wasn't anticipated wayyy back in the spec. Yes, I need an ugly hack, but am looking for the most elegant.

If it's not possible I could use any recommendation of matching user typed text as a keyword against stored text.

EDIT (for clarification): my main problem is I don't have a thorough grasp on how the LIKE command works (just copying the code) and as the keyword implies some degree of vagueness, I would like that vagueness preserved if I switch to a regular expression. I am better with regex's just not so good with like. My query is "LIKE 'matchme%'"


I'd think you'd need preg_match but that's not exactly the same behavior as a LIKE.

<?php // The "i" after the pattern delimiter indicates a case-insensitive search 
if (preg_match("/php/i", "PHP is the web scripting language of choice.")) {
    echo "A match was found."; 
} else {
    echo "A match was not found."; } 
There is no need to use regular expressions, I would use faster strpos().

Do you mean you want to be able to check if the input string is LIKE var% ?

You could use strpos(haystack, needle) to match %var%.

if( strpos($source, "var") == 0 ) echo "matches var%";
if( strlen($source) - (strpos($source, "var")) == strlen("var") ) echo "matches %var";

That is pretty ugly. And actually probably not the most elegant.

First test should be === 0 since if var is not in $source strpos returns false which is == 0 but not === 0.
%var is substr($source,-strlen("var")) == "var"
+4  A: 


Based on tomalak's comment and OIS's brilliant idea to use preg_grep, this might be something more along the lines of a final solution for you.


function convertLikeToRegex( $command )
    return "/^" . str_replace( '%', '(.*?)', preg_quote( $command ) ) .  "$/s";

function selectLikeMatches( $haystack, $needle )
    return preg_grep( convertLikeToRegex( $needle ), $haystack );

$likeClauses = array(

$testInput = array(

foreach ( $likeClauses as $clause )
    echo "Testing $clause:";
    echo '<pre>';
    print_r( selectLikeMatches( $testInput, $clause ) );
    echo '</pre>';

Original Post Below

Is this along the lines of what you're after?


function convertLikeToRegex( $command )
    return "/^" . str_replace( '%', '(.*?)', $command ) .  "$/s";

$likeClauses = array(

$testInput = array(

foreach ( $testInput as $test )
    foreach ( $likeClauses as $clause )
     echo "Testing '$test' against like('$clause'): ";
     if ( preg_match( convertLikeToRegex( $clause ), $test ) )
      echo 'Matched!';
     } else {
      echo 'Not Matched!';
     echo '<br>';
    echo '<hr>';
Peter Bailey
Why not encapsulate all the regex stuff in a function: "Like(haystack, needle)"? This way you the function call was more more readable and no one could mess with the way the function works from outside. Also, $command needs to be escaped with "\Q" and "\E" or it will fail at some point.
Also, the replacement does not need to use the lazy dot nor a capturing group.
Ben Blank
@BaileyP: I think convertLikeToRegex() does not need to be a separate function. I can see no real use for the result, outside of selectLikeMatches(). I gave my +1 earlier already.
The Q poster has an array with text, and gets a search string. He adds % for sql search or ^/$ for regex search. Converting from sql like search string to regex search string is going around the core problem, which is searching an array for a text.
@BailyP: 1) how does this solve the original question again? 2) this is elegant to you?
Crescent Fresh
@crescentfresh 1) Kind of impossible to tell since I don't know exactly what tkotitan's data looks like. But it does give valid results per my test input. 2) I deliberately wrote it so he could uses the LIKE syntax to search PHP strings. By that very nature it's going to be a tad clunky.
Peter Bailey
@BaileyP: which is the data that comes from the user? $likeClauses or $testInput? It's not clear at all what your testing exactly.
Crescent Fresh
It would be the $likeClauses - they exists in this post only as an example. I would leave it up to tkotitan to generate the search atoms in his final implementation - which I think he understands.
Peter Bailey
+2  A: 

What you need is preg_grep actually.

$arr = array("tstet", "duh", "str");
$res = preg_grep("#st#i", $arr); //i for case insensitive

results in

array(2) {
  string(5) "tstet"
  string(3) "str"


the user supplies the text, I add the wildcards behind the scenes. I do use one %. LIKE 'text%'

here is how you specify it in regex

"#st#i"  regex is the same as in sql "%st%"
"#^st#i" regex is the same as in sql "st%"
"#st$#i" regex is the same as in sql "%st"

Also, remember to use preg_quote on any text you get from a third party. $regex = "#" . preg_quote($text) . "#i"; $res = preg_grep($regex, $arr);


Depending on how your strings are formatted, storing your array in a single string with delimiters can make your queries much faster with Regex. Unless you use array for other purposes such as index tracking.

Let's say your array is {"foo", "bar"}; and pipe character is guaranteed not to be in the list. And your like query is "%r"

In pseudo code (I don't know PHP):

str = "|foo|bar|"
regexquery = "|(" + replace(likequery, "%", ".*") + ")|" 
match = regex_match(str, regexquery)