




I'm kinda waiting for a 'no' answer on this question.

I was interested if you can save a variable at the same time when you checking it in an if-clause.

Let's say I have this code.

    Bar bar = foo.getBar();
    System.out.println("Success: " + bar);
  } else {
} else {

I handling now to "failure" -states independently, even if the outcome is the same. I could get them together like this:

if(foo!=null && foo.getBar()!=null){
  Bar bar = foo.getBar();
  System.out.println("Success: " + bar);
} else {

Much neater code already. if foo is null it will stop there and won't try foo.getBar (in the if) so I won't get a NPE. The last thing i would like to enhance, and the main question: Do I really gave to call on foo.getBar() twice? It would be nice to get away from the second identical call if getBar() would be a very heavy operation. So I am wondering if there is somehow possible to do something similiar to this:

if(foo!=null && (Bar bar = foo.getBar())!=null){
  Bar bar = foo.getBar();
  System.out.println("Success: " + bar);
} else {

I would have to break it up to two different if's again if I would like to do

Bar bar = foo.getBar();
if (bar!=null) ...
+3  A: 

I have used that technique when iterating over lines from a BufferedReader:

BufferedReader br = // create reader
String line
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    // process the line

So yes, you can do an assignment, and the result off that will be the left hand side variable, which you can then check. However, it's not legal to declare variables inside a test, as they would then only be scoped to that expression.

+9  A: 

This is the closest you can get:

Bar bar;
if(foo!=null && (bar = foo.getBar())!=null){
  System.out.println("Success: " + bar);
} else {
Michael Borgwardt
Yeah, this actually worked. I tried to have (Bar bar = foo.getBar()) !=null inside the if, but java doesn't seem to like to have the Object's initialization inside the if-clause. Thanks!
Jens Jansson
+2  A: 

From the department "My Programming Language is Better Than Your Programming Language": In Groovy, you can use the "?." operator:

Bar bar = foo?.bar
if (bar != null) {

In Java, this is good pattern(*):

Bar bar = foo == null ? null : foo.getBar();
if (bar != null) {

*: Something you can save in your fingertips.

Aaron Digulla
+1  A: 

Three points that completely fail to answer the question:

null is evil. Don't write methods that return it. Your example problem would then disappear.

I think you might be missing out on encapsulation. Instead of foo.getBar() could the interface of foo be made such that you perform a "tell don't ask" operation?

Side-effects in expression tends to cause bad code. Prefer more, simpler lines to fewer, buggy lines. The usual exception if using ++ to increment an index when accessing a buffer, or similar iterator style algorithms.

Tom Hawtin - tackline