




Based on ConfigParser module how can I filter out and throw every comments from an ini file?

import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"sample.cfg")

for section in config.sections():
    print section
    for option in config.options(section):
        print option, "=", config.get(section, option)

eg. in the ini file below the above basic script prints out the further comments lines as well like:

something  = 128     ; comment line1
                      ; further comments 
                       ; one more line comment

What I need is having only the section names and pure key-value pairs inside them without any comments. Does ConfigParser handles this somehow or should I use regexp...or? Cheers

+5  A: 

according to docs lines starting with ; or # will be ignored. it doesn't seem like your format satisfies that requirement. can you by any chance change format of your input file?

edit: since you cannot modify your input files, I'd suggest pre-parsing them with something along the lines:

tmp_fname = 'config.tmp'
with open(config_file) as old_file:
    with open(tmp_fname, 'w') as tmp_file:
        tmp_file.writelines(i.replace(';', '\n;') for i in old_lines.readlines())
# then use tmp_fname with ConfigParser

obviously if semi-colon is present in options you'll have to be more creative.

+1  A: 

It seems your comments are not on lines that start with the comment leader. It should work if the comment leader is the first character on the line.

Thanks, but unfortunately I am not allowed to modify the input ini file.In this format of ini file as I noticed all the comment lines are appended to the value part of last key - except the first comment line (right after value) which is dropped indeed.
In fact my task is to compare two ini files (every significant part except comments)
Then you'll probably have to create a temporary file and/or use ConfigParser.readfp() to scrap the comments.
+3  A: 

Best way is to write a commentless file subclass:

class CommentlessFile(file):
    def readline(self):
        line = super(CommentlessFile, self).readline()
        if line:
            line = line.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
            return line + '\n'
            return ''

You could use it then with configparser (your code):

import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

for section in config.sections():
    print section
    for option in config.options(section):
        print option, "=", config.get(section, option)
I think there's a small typo there, it should be super(CommentlessFile, self).readline(), instead of CommentRemover.
@sykora: I fixed that 5 seconds after the first post :)