I'm developing a website, and due to user-input or by other reason, I need to show some error messages. For this, I have a page named error.php, and I get the error number using $_GET. All error messages are stored in a array.
header( 'Location: error.php?n=11' );
But I don't want the users to the enter the error code in the URL and see all the other error messages. For preventing that, I thought I could whitelist the referer page, and only show the error message if the referer is found in my whitelist.
It should be fair similar to this (haven't tested yet ;) )
$accept = false;
$allowedReferer = array (0=>'page1.php', 'page2.php');
if (in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $allowedReferer )) {$accept = true;}
if ($accept) { $n=$_GET['n'];echo "Error: " . $errorList[$n];}
Is this method good enough to avoid the spy-users?
I'm doing this with PHP5