There's no full text search built into Linq and there don't seem to be many posts on the subject so I had a play around and came up with this method for my utlity class:
public static IEnumerable<TSource> GenericFullTextSearch<TSource>(string text, MyDataContext context)
//Find LINQ Table attribute
object[] info = typeof(TSource).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute), true);
//Get table name
String table = (info[0] as System.Data.Linq.Mapping.TableAttribute).Name;
//Full text search on that table
return context.ExecuteQuery<TSource>(String.Concat("SELECT * FROM ", table, " WHERE CONTAINS(*, {0})"), text);
And added this wrapper to each partial Linq class where there is a full text index
public static IEnumerable<Pet> FullTextSearch(string text, MyDataContext context)
return (LinqUtilities.GenericFullTextSearch<Pet>(text, context) as IEnumerable<Pet>);
So now I can do full text searches with neat stuff like
var Pets = Pet.FullTextSearch(helloimatextbox.Text, MyDataContext).Skip(10).Take(10);
I'm assuming only a very basic search is necessary at present. Can anyone improve on this? Is it possible to implement as an extension method and avoid the wrapper?