



Consider the class below that represents a Broker:

public class Broker
    public string Name = string.Empty;
    public int Weight = 0;

    public Broker(string n, int w)
        this.Name = n;
        this.Weight = w;

I'd like to randomly select a Broker from an array, taking into account their weights.

What do you think of the code below?

class Program
        private static Random _rnd = new Random();

        public static Broker GetBroker(List<Broker> brokers, int totalWeight)
            // totalWeight is the sum of all brokers' weight

            int randomNumber = _rnd.Next(0, totalWeight);

            Broker selectedBroker = null;
            foreach (Broker broker in brokers)
                if (randomNumber <= broker.Weight)
                    selectedBroker = broker;

                randomNumber = randomNumber - broker.Weight;

            return selectedBroker;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Broker> brokers = new List<Broker>();
            brokers.Add(new Broker("A", 10));
            brokers.Add(new Broker("B", 20));
            brokers.Add(new Broker("C", 20));
            brokers.Add(new Broker("D", 10));

            // total the weigth
            int totalWeight = 0;
            foreach (Broker broker in brokers)
                totalWeight += broker.Weight;

            while (true)
                Dictionary<string, int> result = new Dictionary<string, int>();

                Broker selectedBroker = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    selectedBroker = GetBroker(brokers, totalWeight);
                    if (selectedBroker != null)
                        if (result.ContainsKey(selectedBroker.Name))
                            result[selectedBroker.Name] = result[selectedBroker.Name] + 1;
                            result.Add(selectedBroker.Name, 1);

                Console.WriteLine("A\t\t" + result["A"]);
                Console.WriteLine("B\t\t" + result["B"]);
                Console.WriteLine("C\t\t" + result["C"]);
                Console.WriteLine("D\t\t" + result["D"]);


I'm not so confident. When I run this, Broker A always gets more hits than Broker D, and they have the same weight.

Is there a more accurate algorithm?



You might find this link helpful (It's not just a google search result: I'm one of the participants in that thread).

Joel Coehoorn
+10  A: 

Your algorithm is nearly correct. However, the test should be < instead of <=:

if (randomNumber < broker.Weight)

This is because 0 is inclusive in the random number while totalWeight is exclusive. In other words, a broker with weight 0 would still have a small chance of being selected – not at all what you want. This accounts for broker A having more hits than broker D.

Other than that, your algorithm is fine and in fact the canonical way of solving this problem.

Konrad Rudolph
+1  A: 

An alternative method favours speed when selecting the broker over memory usage. Basically we create the list containing the same number of references to a broker instance as the specified weight.

List<Broker> brokers = new List<Broker>();
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
    brokers.Add(new Broker("A", 10));
for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
    brokers.Add(new Broker("B", 20));
for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
    brokers.Add(new Broker("C", 20));
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
    brokers.Add(new Broker("D", 10));

Then, to select a randomly weighted instance is an O(1) operation:

int randomNumber = _rnd.Next(0, brokers.length);
selectedBroker = brokers[randomNumber];

If you want more speed you can either consider weighted reservoir sampling where you don't have to find the total weight ahead of time (but you sample more often from the random number generator). The code might look something like

Broker selected = null;
int s = 0;
foreach(Broker broker in brokers) {
    s += broker.Weight;
    if (broker.Weight <= _rnd.Next(0,s)) {
        selected = broker;

This requires going once through the list brokers. However if the list of brokers is fixed or doesn't change that often you can keep an array of cumulative sums, i.e. A[i] is the sum of weights of all brokers 0,..,i-1. Then A[n] is the total weight and if you pick a number between 1 and A[n-1], say x you find the broker j s.t. A[j-1] <= x < A[j]. For convenience you let A[0] = 0. You can find this broker number j in log(n) steps using binary search, I'll leave the code as an easy exercise. If your data changes frequently this might not be a good way to go since every time some weight changes you might need to update a large portion of the array.


I have a problem where I want to make the probability of selection inversly proportional to weight i.e. higher the weight lower the probability. Can anyone suggest a solution?

This should be a separate question. But how about doing 1-weight to come up with the probability.

More generally,

public class WeightedRandomization
    public static IWeightedObject Choose(List<IWeightedObject> list, Random rand)
        int totalweight = list.Sum(c => c.Weight);
        int choice = rand.Next(totalweight);
        int sum = 0;

        foreach (IWeightedObject obj in list)
            for (int i = sum; i < obj.Weight + sum; i++)
                if (i >= choice)
                    return obj;
            sum += obj.Weight;

        return null;

public interface IWeightedObject
    int Weight { get; set; }


public class MyClass : IWeightedObject
    private int _id;

    private int _weight;

    public int Id
            return this._id;

    public int Weight
            return this._weight;


public class ExampleClass
    public void Randomize()
        Random r=new Random();
        List<MyClass> list=new List<MyObject>();
        list.Add(new MyClass{Id=1,Weight=1});
        list.Add(new MyClass{Id=2,Weight=10});
        list.Add(new MyClass{Id=3,Weight=100});
        list.Add(new MyClass{Id=4,Weight=1000});

        MyClass randomlyselectedobject=WeightedRandomization.Choose(list.Cast<IWeightedObject>().ToList<IWeightedObject>(),r) as MyClass;
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