AFAIK, this just isn't possible without involving native extensions to Java in some manner - there is no Java API for this.
You could take a look at the JNA project. It uses native code, but you don't have to write any - it's done for you.
EDIT: If all you want to do is validate the username/password, then I believe that the JNDI/LDAP direction may work for you - I've done this before on the AS/400 from Java, though I was not totally happy with the end result.
If you want to cause the O/S to recognize your JVM process as being credentialed as a particular user, you are going to need some form of access to non-portable native API's.
BTW, what O/S(s) are we talking about.
EDIT2: I am going to post fragments from how I used LDAP to verify a username/password, on the off chance that that is what you are after; these are lifted straight from my code, not intended to be directly compilable.
This is some of the first Java code I ever wrote, please be merciful:
import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.naming.ldap.*;
private Hashtable masterEnv; // master environment settings
private String authMethod; // default authentication method
public void init() {
// NOTE: Important to use a non-pooled context and a clone of the environment so that this authenticated
// connection is not returned to the pool and used for other operations
masterEnv=new Hashtable();
private void verifyUserPassword(String ui, String pw, String am) throws NameNotFoundException, AuthenticationException, AuthenticationNotSupportedException, NamingException, NamingException {
// ui=user ID
// pw=password
// am=authentication method
DirContext lc=null; // ldap context object
Hashtable le; // ldap environment object
if(am.length()==0) { am=authMethod; }
le.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL ,ui);
le.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS ,pw);
lc=new InitialDirContext(le);