Take a moment and think about application OTHER than web development.
The assumption that:
A) It has a meaning that is "obvious" in text format is false.
Things like control systems for a steel mill, or manufacturing plant don't typically have any advantage in being human readable. The software for those types of environments will typically have routines to display data in a graphically meaningful manner.
B) Outputting it in text is easier. Unnecessary conversions that actually require more code make a system LESS robust. The fact of the matter if you are NOT using a language which treats all variables as strings then human readable text is an extra conversion. I.E. Extra code means more code to be verified, tested and more opportunities to intro errors in the application.
C) You have to parse it anyway. It many cases for DSP systems I've worked on (I.E. NO Human readable interface to start with.) Data is streamed out of the system in uniformly sized packets. Logging the data for analysis and later processing is simply a matter of pointing to the beginning of a buffer and writing a multiple of the block size to the data logger system. This allows me to analysis the data "untouched" as the customer's system would see it where, once again, converting it to a different format would result in possibly introducing errors. Not only that, if you only save the "converted data" you may lose information in the translation that may help you diagnose a problem.
D) Text is a Natural format for the data. No hardware I've ever seen uses a "TEXT" interface. (My first job out of college was writing a device driver for a camera line scan camera.) The system build on top of it does MIGHT, but for every "PC".
For web pages where the information has a "natural" meaning in text format, so sure knock yourself out. For processing source code it’s a no brainer, of course. But the pervasive computing environments where even you refrigerator and TOOTHBRUSH are going to have a processor built in, not so much. Simply burdening these type of systems with the overhead of adding the ability to process text introduces unnessary complexity. You're not going to link "printf" into the software for an 8-bit micro that controls a mouse. (And yeah, somebody has to write that software too.)
The world is not a black and white place where the only forms of computing that need to be consider are PCs and Web servers.
Even on a PC, if I can directly load the data directly into a datastructure using a single OS read call and be done with it without writing serialize and deserializing routines, that's fantastic, check a blocks CRC job -- done on to the next problem.