+3  A: 

Google search brought up show whitespace-mode. Haven't tried it myself.

Hemal Pandya
eh.. I explicitly says a _character_ instead of whitespace. I knew about having colors and fancy things, so -1. But thanks anyway :)
I was only trying to help, didn't know I was giving a test. -1 for you too not trying hard to find an answer before asking.
Hemal Pandya
ok fair enough, it seems you were right! :) (according to the answer I validated) +1 back. I know whitespace mode, and I know google too. Thanks...
+2  A: 

Use "M-:" (M-x eval-expression) and enter the following expression:

(let ((d (make-display-table)))
  (aset d 9 (vector ?> ?>))
  (set-window-display-table nil d))

To get back to normal enter:

(set-window-display-table nil nil)
that's not bad! thanks for the tip
+6  A: 

EDIT: Just realized that blank-mode is superseded by whitespace. Load this and customize whitespace-style to at least contain tabs and tabs-mark. I currently have:

(setq whitespace-style '(trailing tabs newline tab-mark newline-mark))

There is also blank-mode which allows you to achive what you want and it gives you some nice functions to cleanup the whitespace to your likings: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/BlankMode

Cheers, Daniel

right, it seems I just need to customize it slightly. Thanks, I forgot about it :)