



I am converting about 4000 text files that contain HTML into MySQL database entries. Seems like an easy way to do this would be to add a couple lines to the HTML to make them appear as XML files, then XSLT the XML into MySQL INSERT statements. (Building a CSV would also work, but less optimal IMHO). I've tried doing this but am having little luck getting my XSL to play nice.

I'm on a Windoze box but can SSH into my webhost and run PHP, maybe Perl. Would love to automate this as much as possible. I can build a list of the files and feed that into a script easily enough.

Filename pattern: ab12345.html (numeric portion varies from 3-6 digits)

Filename content sample--this is the entirety of the file, there are not HTML footers/headers:

<div class="abEntry"><a name="top"><img width="1" height="1" src="images/common/blank.gif"/></a><div id="abEntryTitle"><div id="abEntryTitleText">What does error note "90210 Cannot Do This Thing" mean?</div></div>
      <div class="abEntryParagraph">This error means your McWhopper drive is frazzled. Read me the number off the modem--thats the little boxy thing attached to the big boxy thing--thanks.</div>
     <div class="abEntryDocumentNumber">ab90210</div>

MySQL columns and how I'd like them to map back to the content above

EntryID = auto increment
title = contents of #abEntryTitleText
content = contents of #abEntryParagraph
lastupdated = curdate
related = "1"
visible = "1"
sortorder = "0"
userid = "1"
views = "0"
posvotes = "1"
negvotes = "0"
score = null
emailed = null
detectrelated = "1"
metakeywords = null
metadescription = contents of #abEntryDocumentNumber
startdate = curdate
enableexpiry = "0"
expirydate = null
featured = "0"
workflowstatus = "auto_approved"

XSL that I've tried:

<xsl:transform version="2.0" xmlns:xsl=" ">
<xsl:output method="html" indent="no"/>
<xsl:template match="/"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template>
<xsl:template match="content">
<xsl:text>INSERT INTO questions (approved, title, description, publishDate) VALUES </xsl:text><xsl:text>(1, </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="id(abEntryTitleText)"/><xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
<xsl:copy-of select="node()|@*"/>
<xsl:text>, </xsl:text>TODAY<xsl:text>,1, 1)</xsl:text>

I'm not familiar with xsl, so I would tackle this problem using php's DOM. IIRC it could parse html without being proper xml.

Tutortial at

Bob Fanger

The xslt you are looking for to create an insert statement from the <div> element would be

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 

 <xsl:output method="text" indent="no"/>

 <xsl:template match="div[@class='abEntry']">
INSERT INTO questions (approved, title, content, metadescription, publishDate)
VALUES (1, '<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(*/div[@id='abEntryTitleText']/text())" />', '<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(div[@class='abEntryParagraph']/text())" />', '<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(div[@class='abEntryDocumentNumber']/text())" />', TODAY)


You can modify this further to include the other constant column values.

After that you obviously need a script or application to run the xstl on each file. I could write something quickly in .Net if you like, but if you have some other tools/scripting capability handy it might be quicker to use that.
