How would I go about using jtracert to sequence diagram a junit test being run within eclipse?
In the "Run" dialog, select your JUnit configuration and go the "Arguments" tab. Add jTracert parameters to "VM arguments" section (something like -javaagent:/home/dmitrybedrin/work/jtracert/deploy/jTracert.jar)
Click on "Run" button.
You will see the following in the "Console" tab:
jTracert agent started Waiting for a connection from jTracert GUI on port 7007
Now execute jTracert gui and connect to the jTracert agent.
That's it - you will see the sequence diagrams now!
You so deserve a medal for this answer. I was extremely frustrated trying to get this to work... Shoot me. So happy now that it does. Thank you
John Baker
2009-12-29 10:59:34