How do I know what modules are distributed with Perl?
My first guess is that the core modules listed here are always included, though I cannot find this stated explicitly. However, I have used modules outside this set (e.g. LWP) without having to install them on Mac OS X and Linux.
So to refine my question a little:
- What modules are distributed with all Perl installations?
And: How do I find out what modules have been distributed with:
Linux (particularly Debian/Ubuntu)?
Mac OS X?
In each case I am using the version of Perl that comes standard with the most recent version of the operating system.
Update: The reason for the question is that I am developing on Mac OS X and Linux for deployment to different Linux and Solaris, and I don't have root on some of these systems, and in the case of Mac OS X I don't even have a compiler AFAIK. So what I want to know what modules I have available in all four deployments without further installs.