Thanks for reading this.
I am using a shared service (server=sharedLib) when setting up my libref, to allow users of my SAS/IntrNet application to modify and update (add new) records of a single dataset. The application will also be used to query my dataset. To minimize locking, I am only using a data step to modify and update rather than Proc SQL (which locks the entire member). However, I wonder if locking is more or less likely if only update/modify access to the data uses the share service but queries do not.
%if &type=QUERY %then %do ;
LIBNAME lib '/myServer/library' ;
%end ;
%else %do ;
LIBNAME lib '/myServer/library' server=shareLib ;
this isn't my actual code, but I do know whether or not the request is going to just send data back or modify an existing record or add a new record (update);
I had originally made this distinction because we were having some failures attaching to the share service (not sure that is the correct terminology), but referencing the lib to query the data did not fail. Since then we have, I think solved this problem, but I wondering if I am setting myself up for problems.