Robert A Muenchen read your mind. He's published a free manuscript that later became a Springer book called R for SAS and SPSS users. It's really written for folks who know SAS or SPSS but would like to learn R. Luckily he gives examples of how to do things in all three languages. It will also work well if you know R and want to back into SAS. It started as a free manuscript and then Springer helped him flesh it out into a full book. Here's some links:
In addition, here's a paper on the topic of passing data back and forth between R and SAS.
When you talk to people in industry keep in mind that to many end users 'SAS' may mean a GUI interface into one of the SAS tools. I learned SAS programming in graduate school and wrote programs in it for years. To me SAS was a language. I remember having a really awkward cocktail talk with the wife of a friend who told me she was learning SAS. I was excited and started talking about PROC statements and DATA STEP programming. She tried to be polite but pretty soon I could tell she had no idea what I was going on about. She was a forecast analyst and was using a SAS forecast tool that had a GUI on top which she was learning to use. I soon realized that when people talk about using SAS it is about as specific as 'using Microsoft.' So it is worth brushing up on the suite of SAS BI tools, Data Mining tools, etc. I think they all have SAS language underneath them, but don't assume someone is talking about SAS programming just 'cause they say 'SAS.'