I've got a slightly different approach that doesn't necessarily rely on the built-in select() function, but does use the livequery plugin:
which is a more powerful version of the jQuery live function. It can easily bind future elements that match a query.
Suppose you have a tabs structure as follows:
<div class="Tabs">
<ul class="nav">
<li><a id="tab1">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a id="tab2">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a id="tab3">Link 3</a></li>
ideally, you want a URL structure like this:
it becomes quite tricky because the select() method only supports integer indices, and what happens when you change your tabs around?
Supposing you can get the url parameter into a variable as indicated above to do the following:
First you locate your target element and add a class to it:
jQuery('a#' + param).addClass('selectMe');
Next you bind a livequery function to the element:
jQuery('.ui-tabs-nav a.selectMe').livequery(function(){
This will match it only once it's been tab-ified and virtually 'click' it.
Then, you can call your tabs function with no parameters:
and once it's complete, the tab will automatically be clicked and selected!
Better yet, you can bind the tabs creation to livequery itself:
so that any elements you have with class '.Tabs' will automatically be converted into tabs upon load, now or in the future!