What have you used to study for this exam?
I used the Whizlabs exam simulator, and the book SCJP Study Guide by Katherine Sierra, and found both immensely useful. See also this closely related question: SCJP exam - your best tips for passing. (Edit, after reading that question more carefully: it is not that closely related after all :-)
How much experience in the real world do you need before you're ready for this exam?
I would say the more real world experience you have, the more you will be able to get out of studying for the exam. But you can study and pass the exam even without any such experience (it will just take more work, of course).
Assuming one had just started working as a junior Java developer, I'd personally recommend taking the SCJP perhaps after 6 to 12 months. (Although occasional practice with an exam simulator will be good for you even right after starting; you'll get an idea about how hard or tricky the questions can be, and how well you need to learn the foundations.)
And will this certification actually help in terms of marketability?
This has already been debated to great lengths elsewhere, see e.g. these questions:
Personally, in retrospective, I think taking the SCJP was first and foremost a helpful learning experience, but passing it (with a good score) obviously doesn't hurt the CV either.