



My company is starting a large scale web application, and I'd like to hire a designer to help with some of the pages (to create our general template, look/feel, and control set). Where is the best place to find a designer with some knowledge of usability? Would we be best looking on (or similar sites), or is there a better approach?

Note: The other question was regarding a web designer for an open source project ... this is NOT open source, and hence not a duplicate.

+1  A: 

Have you looked at ?

The idea is that you write up a brief, and work out a prize $$ to assign to it, and then post the job. Designers submit designs for you to rate and provide comment on and then they rework their designs according to your comments.

Mitch Wheat
I don't think you'll find a lot of professionals on 99designs, since it encourages (enforces, in fact) "spec" work, which many designers avoid.
Justin Voss
That's a pretty neat idea ... and unfortunately it might be the only idea I get since everyone flagged this as "not programming related" and closed my question =(Don't developers need to have good ties to designers, or do most just not care? Sorry, just learning the rules here at SO ...
@LuckyLindy, while our fields are tied in a way, SO has a specific purpose. And that purpose is to answer programming questions.