I have an IEnumerable(of Employee) with a ParentID/ChildID relationship with itself that I can databind to a TreeView and it populates the hierarchy perfectly. However, I want to be able to manually loop through all the records and create all the nodes programmatically so that I can change the attributes for each node based on the data for that given item/none.
Is there a tutorial out there that explains how to do this? I've seen many that use datasets and datatables but none that show how to do it in Linq to SQL (IEnumerable)
Here's how I used to do it with a DataSet - I just can't seem to find how to do the same with IEnumerable.
Private Sub GenerateTreeView()
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim tasktree As New Task(_taskID)
Dim dt As DataTable = tasktree.GetTaskTree()
ds.Relations.Add("NodeRelation", dt.Columns("TaskID"), dt.Columns("ParentID"))
Dim dbRow As DataRow
For Each dbRow In dt.Rows
If dbRow("TaskID") = _taskID Then
Dim node As RadTreeNode = CreateNode(dbRow("Subject").ToString(), False, dbRow("TaskID").ToString())
RecursivelyPopulate(dbRow, node)
End If
Next dbRow
End Sub
Private Sub RecursivelyPopulate(ByVal dbRow As DataRow, ByVal node As RadTreeNode)
Dim childRow As DataRow
Dim StrikeThrough As String = ""
Dim ExpandNode As Boolean = True
For Each childRow In dbRow.GetChildRows("NodeRelation")
Select Case childRow("StatusTypeID")
Case 2
StrikeThrough = "ActiveTask"
Case 3
StrikeThrough = "CompletedTask"
ExpandNode = False
Case 4, 5
StrikeThrough = "ClosedTask"
ExpandNode = False
Case Else
StrikeThrough = "InactiveTask"
ExpandNode = False
End Select
Dim childNode As RadTreeNode = CreateNode("<span class=""" & StrikeThrough & """><a href=""Task.aspx?taskid=" & childRow("TaskID").ToString() & """>" & childRow("Subject").ToString() & "</a></span>", ExpandNode, childRow("TaskID").ToString())
RecursivelyPopulate(childRow, childNode)
ExpandNode = True
Next childRow
End Sub
Private Function CreateNode(ByVal [text] As String, ByVal expanded As Boolean, ByVal id As String) As RadTreeNode
Dim node As New RadTreeNode([text])
node.Expanded = expanded
Return node
End Function