I don’t understand or see the need for regular expressions.
Can some explain them in simple terms and provide some basic examples where they could be useful, or even critical.
I don’t understand or see the need for regular expressions.
Can some explain them in simple terms and provide some basic examples where they could be useful, or even critical.
What regular expressions are used for:
Regular expressions is a language in itself that allows you to perform complex validation of string inputs. I.e. you pass it a string and it will return true or false if it is a match or not.
How regular expressions are used:
Some regular expression language features:
Alternation: allows you to select one thing or another. Example match only yes or no.
Grouping: You can define scope and have precedence using parentheses. For example match 3 color shades.
Quantification: You can quantify how much of something you want. ? means 1 or 0, * means 0 or more. + means at least one. Example: Accept a binary string that is not empty:
Why regular expressions?
Regular expressions make it easy to match strings, it can often replace several dozen lines of source code with a simple small regular expression string.
Not for all types of matching:
To understand how something is useful, you should also understand how it is not useful. Regular expressions are bad for certain tasks for example when you need to guarantee that a string has an equal number of parentheses.
Available in just about all languages:
Regular expressions are available in just about any programming language.
Formal language:
Any regular expression can be converted to a deterministic finite state machine. And in this same way you can figure out how to make source code that will validate your regular expression.
matches "hat", "cat", "hhat", "chat", "hcat", "ccchat", and so on, but not "at"
Use them where you need to use/manipulate patterns. For instance, suppose you need to recognise the following pattern:
(Things like this crop up for zip code, credit card, social security number validation etc.)
That's not really hard to write in code - but it becomes harder as the pattern becomes more complicated. With a regular expression, you describe the pattern (rather than the code to validate it) and let the regex engine do the work for you.
The pattern here would be something like
(There are other ways of expressing it too.) Grouping constructs make it easy to match a whole pattern and grab (or replace) different bits of it, too.
A few downsides though:
They are a bit tricky, but extremely powerful and worth learning. The web is full of tutorial and examples, start for example from here and look at the examples here.
To give you some examples:
Email Address
Password requires at least 1 alphabet and 1 digit
How can you acheive these requirements?
The best way is to use regular expression.
Read the following links to learn more:
How To: Use Regular Expressions to Constrain Input in ASP.NET http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms998267.aspx
Whenever you've got some pattern to find in a lot of textual data or if you want to check that a string is in a certain format.
For example an email address...
The code for checking for an at symbol and the presence of a valid domain will look quite big where you could just use a regular expression and have an answer in 2 lines of code.
Regex r = new Regex("<An Email Address Regex>");
bool isValidEmail = r.IsMatch(MyInput);
Other examples would be for checking numbers are in the correct format before parsing them into integers etc.
Regular expressions are a very concise way to specify most pattern-matching and -replacement problems, and regexp engines can be very highly optimized.
If you wanted to do the same job as even a relatively simple regexp, you'd have to write a lot of code, which probably would contain a number of bugs, be hard to understand and perform badly.
Whereas doing the same with a regexp is much shorter, almost certainly performs as well as is technically possible, and is easier to understand to anyone familiar with regexpes (though it should be commented in either case)
The email example is actually a bad example for regular expressions. Regexes can be used, but the resulting expression (for example this one which doesn't handle "John Doe [email protected]" style addresses) is hugely complicated - take a look at the email address specification and you'll see why...
However regexes are very useful in a host of other situations, extracting ip addresses from text, tags from html etc. Finding all versioned files would be another example. Something along the lines of:
will match any filenames of the format my_versioned_file_2009-02-26.txt
and pull out the date as a captured group (the part wrapped in "()") for you to further analyse.
No regexes are not necessary, but they can save a world of time in writing a hand rolled parser for something a regex can easily achieve.
If I could direct the OP to some of the answers/comments on one of my own questions: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/519929/how-important-is-knowing-regexs
Jon and Sqook gave a fine explanation and definition of Regular Expressions, and for simple problems it is pretty understandable, but if you use it for complex problems regular expressions can be a &$@( (at least for me ;-))
I use Expresso a lot to help me build complex regular expression code.
It has a build in library with expressions you can use, a design mode where you can build your code and a test mode where you can test and validate the code. It helped me build and understand complex expressions better!
Some practical real world usages:
Finding abstract classes that extend JUnit's TestCase:
This is useful for finding test cases that cannot be instantiated and will need excluding from an ant build script that runs test cases. You cannot search for regular text because you don't know the class names in advance. hence the \w+ (At least one word character).
Finding running bash or bourne shell scripts:
ps -e | grep -e " sh| bash"
this is useful if you want to kill them all or something, if you did a search for just sh you'd not get the bash ones and have to run the command again for bash scripts. Again, more serviceable than perfect, but nearly no regex you write on the fly will be.
It's not perfect, but most regexes won't be, or they'll take so long to write they're not worth it. The ones you perfect are the ones you commit as part of some sort of validation or built application.
Example of critical use is JavaScript:
If you need to do search
or replace
on a string, the only matching you can do is a regular expression. It's in the JavaScript API on those string methods...
Personally, I mostly use regular expressions only when I need some advanced matching in some automated find/replace in a text editor (TextPad or Visual Studio). The most powerful feature in my view is the ability to match a pattern that can be inserted in the replace.