



I have written a COM object using C++.

Creating the object and connecting to its events works fine if I do them both at the same time (Javascript):

var obj = WScript.CreateObject("SomeCOMClass.Object", "event_");

However the following generates this error (msdn):

var obj = WScript.CreateObject("SomeCOMClass.Object");
WScript.ConnectObject(obj, "event_");

The error description page does not describe why I cannot connect to already created objects. I would like to be able to connect to created objects because I plan on returning objects from various C++ COM functions.

+1  A: 

I just found an old blog post by Eric Lippert describing this:

Essentially, he says you need your objects to implement IProvideClassInfo or IProvideMultipleClassInfo in order for WScript to harvest type info about the outgoing (callback) interfaces, so it can set up a matching handler.

Kim Gräsman