



Hi all,

Consider the below source code where I create a combination chart with a BarSeries and a StockSeries. The StockSeries generates three identical Candle-stick Stock figures with a box from values 12 to 14 and low and high values 10 and 16. The BarSeries generate three bar figures with heights 11, 13 and 15.

public class StockBarCombination

    public final static Chart createStockBarCombination( )
     ChartWithAxes cwaStockBar = ChartWithAxesImpl.create( );

     // Legend
     cwaStockBar.getLegend( ).setVisible( false );

     // X-Axis
     Axis xAxisPrimary = ( (ChartWithAxesImpl) cwaStockBar ).getPrimaryBaseAxes( )[0];

     // Y-Axis
     Axis yAxisPrimary = ( (ChartWithAxesImpl) cwaStockBar ).getPrimaryOrthogonalAxis( xAxisPrimary );

     // Data Set
     TextDataSet categoryValues = TextDataSetImpl.create(
       new String[] { "One", "Two", "Three" }

     StockDataSet dsStockValues = StockDataSetImpl
     .create(new StockEntry[] {
       new StockEntry(12, 10, 16, 14),
       new StockEntry(12, 10, 16, 14),
       new StockEntry(12, 10, 16, 14) });

     NumberDataSet dsBarValues = NumberDataSetImpl.create(
       new double[] { 11, 13, 15 }

     // X-Series
     Series seBase = SeriesImpl.create( );
     seBase.setDataSet( categoryValues );

     SeriesDefinition sdX = SeriesDefinitionImpl.create( );
     xAxisPrimary.getSeriesDefinitions( ).add( sdX );
     sdX.getSeries( ).add( seBase );

     // Y-BarSeries
     BarSeries bs = (BarSeries) BarSeriesImpl.create();

     // Y-StockSeries
     StockSeries ss = (StockSeries) StockSeriesImpl.create( );
     ss.setDataSet( dsStockValues );

     SeriesDefinition sdY = SeriesDefinitionImpl.create( );
     yAxisPrimary.getSeriesDefinitions( ).add( sdY );
     sdY.getSeries( ).add( bs );
     sdY.getSeries( ).add( ss );

     return cwaStockBar;

As you can see on this screenshot , these bars partly obscure and come in front of the Stock figures.

How do I force the StockSeries to come to the front? (I use Eclipse 3.3 and BIRT 2.2.1)

Thanks in advance, Jeroen