I have some public user defined classes with relations between their members and also several methods with specific and generic signatures.
I would like to be able to store and manipulate custom control flow over these classes (plus CLR classes) using basic control statements like if/then/else, foreach, do/while, variable assignments etc.
The custom control flow should be created at runtime and then stored for later use and manipulation. The idea is to have a data representation of the control flow, possibly in the form of a abstract syntax tree, with strongly typed syntax in order to be able to apply genetic operations. The resulting custom code has to be executed as part of another program.
1) What is the preferred code representation for manipulating genetic operations and then execute the code including my classes,
2) Which c# technologies should I use for the above problem? I know there are related technologies like reflection, the new c# 3.0 features (lambda, expression trees), CodeDom, DLR library, etc but which approach or combination is the most efficient.
3) Are there such paradigms or implementations available?
EDIT: The platform is supplied with data of defined c# custom types, both constant and time variable.
Every moment rules are applied to the data (basic conditions or more complicated functions) and it is decided to take some actions.
I would like to be able to:
Represent the rules on a tree or a graph and execute tha flow.
Create custom rule sets by the user via a UI toolkit
Make rearrangement on the tree or graph and apply GP operations