
Genetic Programming in C#

I've been looking for some good genetic programming examples for C#. Anyone knows of good online/book resources? Wonder if there is a C# library out there for Evolutionary/Genetic programming? ...

Evolutionary Algorithms: Optimal Repopulation Breakdowns

It's really all in the title, but here's a breakdown for anyone who is interested in Evolutionary Algorithms: In an EA, the basic premise is that you randomly generate a certain number of organisms (which are really just sets of parameters), run them against a problem, and then let the top performers survive. You then repopulate with ...

What problems could be solved using Genetic Programming?

Today I read this blog entry by Roger Alsing about how to paint a replica of the Mona Lisa using only 50 semi transparent polygons. I'm fascinated with the results for that particular case, so I was wondering (and this is my question): how does genetic programming work and what other problems could be solved by genetic programming? ...

C# Dynamic Trees for Genetic Programming

I have some public user defined classes with relations between their members and also several methods with specific and generic signatures. I would like to be able to store and manipulate custom control flow over these classes (plus CLR classes) using basic control statements like if/then/else, foreach, do/while, variable assignments et...

Analog circuit simulation library?

I'm working on a genetic programming tool and I'd like to evolve analog circuits. Can anyone suggest a library or tool or even a reference for hooking my GP code up? I just need some way to have something like SPICE evaluate the circuits that are created by my code. I've seen reference to plain text representations of the circuits (netli...

How to design an approximate solution algorithm

Hello everyone, I want to write an algorithm that can take parts of a picture and match them to another picture of the same object. For example, If I gave the computer a picture of a vase and a picture of a scene with the vase in it, I'd expect it to determine where in the image the vase is. How would I begin to develop an algorithm li...

What Genetic Algorithm/Programming library do you use?

What GA/GP lib do you use and why? ...

Novel fitness measure for evolutionary image matching simulation

I'm sure many people have already seen demos of using genetic algorithms to generate an image that matches a sample image. You start off with noise, and gradually it comes to resemble the target image more and more closely, until you have a more-or-less exact duplicate. All of the examples I've seen, however, use a fairly straightforwar...

Genetic Programming Implementation

I am familiar with the generalities of genetic programming but am wondering where i might find something that shows me details of implementing genetic programming. I use C# and .NET 3.5, and I would like to put to use genetic programming for things like pathfinding, and generally just want to see what it can do. EDIT: I should probably ...

How to split two nested lists and combine the parts to create two new nested lists

I'm trying to code a simple genetic programming utility in python. But right now I'm stuck at the crossover/mate function for my trees. The trees are built by nested lists and look something like this: # f = internal node (a function), c = leaf node (a constant) tree1 = [f, [f, [f, c, c], [f, c, c]], [f, [f, c, c], [f, c, c]]] tree2 = [...

Genetic Algorithms applied to Curve Fitting

Let's imagine I have an unknown function that I want to approximate via Genetic Algorithms. For this case, I'll assume it is y = 2x. I'd have a DNA composed of 5 elements, one y for each x, from x = 0 to x = 4, in which, after a lot of trials and computation and I'd arrive near something of the form: best_adn = [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ] Keep ...

Code bacteria: evolving mathematical behavior

It would not be my intention to put a link on my blog, but I don't have any other method to clarify what I really mean. The article is quite long, and it's in three parts (1,2,3), but if you are curious, it's worth the reading. A long time ago (5 years, at least) I programmed a python program which generated "mathematical bacteria". The...

whats the genetic algorithm code for shortest path between nodes?

whats the genetic algorithm code for shortest path between nodes? ...

Implementing crossover in genetic programming

Hi, I'm writing a genetic programming (GP) system (in C but that's a minor detail). I've read a lot of the literature (Koza, Poli, Langdon, Banzhaf, Brameier, et al) but there are some implementation details I've never seen explained. For example: I'm using a steady state population rather than a generational approach, primarily to use...

GA Framework for Virtual Machines

Does anyone know of any .NET genetic algorithm frameworks for evolving instructions sets in virtual machines to solve abstract problems? I would be particularly interested in a framework which allows virtual machines to self propagate within a pool and evolve against a fitness function determined by a data set with "good" outputs given e...

Do you have genetic algorithm in production?

Is it good idea to use genetic algorithm in production? If you are using it: In what case? What pros for selecting subj? Can you easily add changes to algorithm? ...

Books on Genetic algorithms or AI in general

What books/tutorials do you recommend for learning Genetic algorithms, or AI in general? I'd prefer language agnostic. ...

C# how to create functions that are interpreted at runtime

I'm making a Genetic Program, but I'm hitting a limitation with C# where I want to present new functions to the algorithm but I can't do it without recompiling the program. In essence I want the user of the program to provide the allowed functions and the GP will automatically use them. It would be great if the user is required to know ...

Setting up java configurations in eclipse. multiple .param files

I'm going to be using ECJ for doing genetic programming and I haven't touched java in years. I'm working on setting up the eclipse environment and I'm catching a few snags. The ECJ source has several packages, and several sample programs come along with it. I ran one sample program (called tutorial1) by going to the run configurations...

How to guard against dividing by zero when doing symbolic regression? ECJ

I'm writing a genetic program to perform symbolic regression on a formula. I'm using ECJ. See tutorial 4 of the samples that come with ECJ for an example of what this is and the base that I started off of. The problem comes when implementing division as a function to your genetic program. How do you guard against dividing by zero? ...