
Divide by zero error, how do I fix this?

Hi all, C# novice here, when the int 'max' below is 0 I get a divide by zero error, I can see why this happens but how should I handle this when max is 0? position is also an int. private void SetProgressBar(string text, int position, int max) { try { int percent = (100 * position) / max; //when max ...

SQL Server - Strange Divide By Zero

I'm executing the following query: Select guiPolygonID, dbo.fn_Yval(p1X, p1Y, p2X, p2Y, 4.003318) From [vPolygonSegments] Where dbo.fn_Yval(p1X, p1Y, p2X, p2Y, 4.003318) > 0 The important parts of function fn_Yval (all params are of type float): set @m = (@p2Y - @p1Y)/(@p2X - @p1X) set @b = @p1Y - (@m*@p1X) set @result = (@m*@xval+@b...

Divide by zero error in stored procedure

Hi i executed the following stored procedure in .net web application. Then run the application. I got this error " Divide By zero error " Stored procedure: CREATE procedure Details(@Stringtext varchar(8000),@SearchStringtext varchar(100)) as begin SELECT ({fn LENGTH(@Stringtext)}- {fn LENGTH({fn REPLACE(@Stringtext, @SearchStringtext,...

Should integer divide by zero halt execution?

I know that modern languages handle integer divide by zero as an error just like the hardware does, but what if we could design a whole new language? Ignoring existing hardware, what should a programming language does when an integer divide by zero occurs? Should it return a NaN of type integer? Or should it mirror IEEE 754 float and ...

Can I ignore a SIGFPE resulting from division by zero?

I have a program which deliberately performs a divide by zero (and stores the result in a volatile variable) in order to halt in certain circumstances. However, I'd like to be able to disable this halting, without changing the macro that performs the division by zero. Is there any way to ignore it? I've tried using #include <signal.h>...

Can I force java to throw an error when dividing by zero with floating point numbers?

I wrote a simulator that has some collision detection code and does a good bit of math on each object when it detects collisions. If these two objects are at the exact same location or in some rare other cases, I'm getting NaN (not a number) as their location somewhere along the line and I'd like to know where. Normally, the program w...

SQL Server Check for IsNull and for Zero

I have the following: set @SomeVariable = @AnotherVariable/isnull(@VariableEqualToZero,1) - 1 If @VariableEqualToZero is null it substitutes the 1. I need it to substitute 1 if @VariableEqualToZero = 0 as well. How do I do this? ...

Having a divide by zero problem.

Hes my code and I can't figure out where I'm getting the divide by zero problem. mreviewApp.cpp const int SIZE = 80; const char DELIMIT = '|'; void parseLine(const char line[], string& title, int& rating); void stringTrim(char st[]); void printMrList(std::vector <Mreview> mrList); Mreview searchTitle(std::vector <Mreview> &mrList, str...

How should I tackle ARCTAN (and prevent deviding by zero) without the convenience of ARCTAN2(n,m) being available?

I try to determine the angle from a point (n,m) to (0,0). Without arctan2 being available, I'm running into the problem that m can be 0, which leads to a possible division by zero. What would be an elegant, correct solution to tackling this issue? ...

Intermittent "Division by zero" error in classic ASP pages. HELP!

This is a strange one. A web application which runs fine on Windows Server 2000, experiences intermittent errors on Windows Server 2003 R2. By intermittent, I mean myself and 2 testers can find the error within 5 minutes of navigating around the web application. The error is always "Division by zero" - 800a000b The most common line of ...

Xcode crashes with divide by zero

I downloaded urlcache.zip from http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/URLCache/index.html#//apple%5Fref/doc/uid/DTS40008061 I opened the project in xcode and clicked on urlcacheconection.m and started scrolling down with the arrow key and xcode crashed with <see below dashed line>. Any assistance greatly appreciated. Ste...

Problem with Sun Java KeyManagerFactory and null passwords

We are having a problem with the KeyManagerFactory in the Sun JRE 1.6. We are using code similar to the following to upload and use a certificate in p12 format: KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(PKCS12); KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(SUN_X509); InputStream certificateFile = getSSLCertificat...

Divide by Zero Display Values

What is the best way (most intuitive to users) or best practice for displaying the results of a divide by 0 error when doing reporting? Within the report, I capture this error, however, when displaying it on a human readable report; I am not sure how to note this. An example would be something like Weight / Revenue ratio. For a given...

try-catch problem

Hey guys, I am a java newbie, my question is about try-catch blocks on a simple division by zero example. You see the first line of try? If I cast any of those two variables to the double the program does not recognize the catch block. In my opinion, whether I cast or not only the catch block must be executed. What is wrong on this code...

Why doesn't Java throw an Exception when dividing by 0.0?

I have code to calculate the percentage difference between 2 numbers - (oldNum - newNum) / oldNum * 100; - where both of the numbers are doubles. I expected to have to add some sort of checking / exception handling in case oldNum is 0. However, when I did a test run with values of 0.0 for both oldNum and newNum, execution continued as if...

How different programming languages handle division by 0?

Perhaps this is the wrong sort of question to ask here but I am curious. I know that many languages will simply explode and fail when asked to divide by 0, but are there any programming languages that can intelligently handle this impossible sum - and if so, what do they do? Do they keep processing, treating 350/0 as 350, or stop executi...

divide by zero error

here is the code (java): class prime { public static boolean prime (int a, int b) { if (a == 0) { return false; } else if ((a%(b-1) == 0) && (b>2)) { return false; } else if (b>1) { return (prime (a, b-1)) ; } ...

how to check if there is a division by zero in c

#include<stdio.h> void function(int); int main() { int x; printf("Enter x:"); scanf("%d", &x); function(x); return 0; } void function(int x) { float fx; fx=10/x; if(10 is divided by zero)// I dont know what to put here please help printf("division by zero is not allowed"); else printf...

VS C++ throwing divide by zero exception after a specific check

In the following C++ code, it should be impossible for ain integer division by zero to occur: // gradedUnits and totalGrades are both of type int if (gradedUnits == 0) { return 0; } else { return totalGrades/gradedUnits; //call stack points to this line } however Visual Studio is popping up this error: Unhandled exception ...

How to guard against dividing by zero when doing symbolic regression? ECJ

I'm writing a genetic program to perform symbolic regression on a formula. I'm using ECJ. See tutorial 4 of the samples that come with ECJ for an example of what this is and the base that I started off of. The problem comes when implementing division as a function to your genetic program. How do you guard against dividing by zero? ...