
How should I do integer division in Perl?

What is a good way to always do integer division in Perl? For example, I want: real / int = int int / real = int int / int = int ...

How do I compute the first decimal digit of a division between large numbers?

I have two unsigned long longs X and Y, where X < Y, but both may be very large. I want to compute the first digit past the decimal point of X / Y. For example, if X is 11 and Y is 14, then 11 / 14 is .785…, so the result should be 7. (X * 10) / Y would work, except it produces the wrong result if X * 10 overflows. Conversion to doub...

Avoiding floating point arithmetic

I wrote a small software synth for the iPhone. To further tune performance I measured my application with Shark and found that I am loosing a lot of time in float/SInt16 conversions. So I rewrote some parts to get around the conversions by pre-calculating lookup tables that return "ready-to-use" SInt16 samples. This works fine so far. C...

Why is the output of cout << 7/9*9; is zero?

Why is the output of the following code equals to 0 or serven? cout << 7/9*9; //output 0 (zero) why? float nine = 9; float seven = 7; float i = seven/nine*nine; cout << i //output 7 Why? Thanks for the help. ...

Why does this division result in zero?

I was writing this code in C when I encountered the following problem. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i=2; int j=3; int k,l; float a,b; k=i/j*j; l=j/i*i; a=i/j*j; b=j/i*i; printf("%d %d %f %f\n",k,l,a,b); return 0; } Can anyone tell me why the code is returning zero for the first and third variables ...

SQL Server, division returns zero

Here is the code I'm using in the example: PRINT @set1 PRINT @set2 SET @weight= @set1 / @set2; PRINT @weight Here is the result: 47 638 0 I would like to know why it's returning 0 instead of 0,073667712 ...

Unsigned 128-bit division on 64-bit machine

I have a 128-bit number stored as 2 64-bit numbers ("Hi" and "Lo"). I need only to divide it by a 32-bit number. How could I do it, using the native 64-bit operations from CPU? (Please, note that I DO NOT need an arbitrary precision library. Just need to know how to make this simple division using native operations. Thank you). ...

Integer division compared to floored quotient: why this surprising result?

The // "integer division" operator of Python surprised me, today: >>> math.floor(11/1.1) 10.0 >>> 11//1.1 9.0 The documentation reads "(floored) quotient of x and y". So, why is math.floor(11/1.1) equal to 10, but 11//1.1 equal to 9? ...

Is "long x = 1/2" equal to 1 or 0, and why?

if I have something like: long x = 1/2; shouldn't this be rounded up to 1? When I print it on the screen it say 0. ...

Error using Double type in Java...this has to be so simple, I'm almost ashamed I am asking it here

Okay. I have been bashing my head against the wall for like 2 hours now trying to figure out why in the world double answer = 364/365; is telling me that answer is 0. Or any other combination of double for that matter, its just truncating the decimal and I just don't know why. Please help!!! ...

How can I perform division in a program, digit by digit?

I'm messing around with writing a class similar to mpz (C) or BigInteger (Java). This is just for fun, so please don't go on about how I shouldn't be writing my own. I have a class similar to: public class HugeInt { public List<Integer> digits; public HugeInt(String value) { // convert string value into its sepera...

VS C++ throwing divide by zero exception after a specific check

In the following C++ code, it should be impossible for ain integer division by zero to occur: // gradedUnits and totalGrades are both of type int if (gradedUnits == 0) { return 0; } else { return totalGrades/gradedUnits; //call stack points to this line } however Visual Studio is popping up this error: Unhandled exception ...

Why I cannot the get percentage by using Int

Please forgive my programming knowledge. I know this is a simple thing, but I do not understand why result is always 0. Why decimal will be fine? int a = 100; int b = 200; decimal c = (a / b) * 100; Many thanks. ...

How to check if a integer is sum of given integers?

Lets say I have a integer result and an array of integers, lets say [a,b,c] (not a fixed length). I need to detect if result=a*i +b*j + c*k, with i,j,k>=0. I prefer a solution in C/C# if it is possible. PS The problem is from a reservation system, a trip can be sold if its durations is a combination of given durations. Thanks! Ex:...

how do you divide two integers and get a decimal answer?

how do you divide two integers and get a decimal answer? in xcode.. the only thing i could was find this method will not allow me to have a decimal answer... ...

Java Integer Division, How do you produce a double?

int num = 5; int denom = 7; double d = num / denom; this results in 0, I know you can force it to work by doing double d = ((double) num) / denom; but there has to be another way, right? I don't like casting primitives, who knows what may happen. ...

what type to use when long double is not enough?

Hey, I'm writing a program that assigns prime numbers to each entry of a matrix and then I'll need to multiply some of them. The resulting number grows rapidly and I'm at a loss as to which type to use, as I'm getting "wrap-around" with long double :S All the help is appreciated. -Pickel ...

Integer vs floating division -> Who is responsible for providing the result?

I've been programming for a while in C++, but suddenly had a doubt and wanted to clarify with the Stackoverflow community. When an integer is divided by another integer, we all know the result is an integer and like wise, a float divided by float is also a float. But who is responsible for providing this result? Is it the compiler or D...

Why do Python programmers still use old-style division?

I started using Python in 2001. I loved the simplicity of the language, but one feature that annoyed the heck out of me was the / operator, which would bite me in subtle places like def mean(seq): """ Return the arithmetic mean of a list (unless it just happens to contain all ints) """ return sum(seq) / len(seq) F...

How can I perform 64-bit division with a 32-bit divide instruction?

This is (AFAIK) a specific question within this general topic. Here's the situation: I have an embedded system (a video game console) based on a 32-bit RISC microcontroller (a variant of NEC's V810). I want to write a fixed-point math library. I read this article, but the accompanying source code is written in 386 assembly, so it's nei...