




I have a model posts where users can edit and delete their own posts. My index page is a table with a few columns for each post. One of them holds a form for the delete button. Is there any examples on how you jquery submit a post/delete form with rails? I need to pass the status back to the user. Eg. posts deleted, access denied etc and remove the row if successfull.

Best regards. Asbjørn Morell.


You should look into the link_to_remote method; it uses AJAX -- I assume that what you mean by 'JQuery'.

I normally do something like:

<%= link_to_remote "Delete", :url => some_path(@object), :method => :delete %>
Matt Darby

link_to_remote. Will create inline javscript that generates a post form. This will not work if javascript is disabled.

I have created a standard html form, that works without javascript, and would like to spice it up with jquery if javascript is enabled.

<% form_for @post, :html => { :method => 'delete' } do |f| %> <%= submit_tag "Delete", :name => "delete" %> <% end %>

I found this blob last night, and it covers almost what I would like to do. The only thing I can't figuere out, is how I return an error er success from the controller.

+1  A: 

If the action is successful the response will be a successful one (i.e. 200 OK). In your jQuery you can add an error function if the request encounters an error:

error: function() {
  // the item has not been deleted
  // and we encountered an error

Then in your Controller if you want to explicitly return your own error:

render :text => 'Could not compute!', :status => :unprocessable_entity

Or any other error. Hope this helps.

Hello,I ended up simple checking the flash[] variable.Controller:if @post.destroy flash[:note] = "Post was destroyed"endjs.erb<% if flash[:note] == "Post destroyed" %> Hide the row etc.<% end %>Display flash text