The Setup:
I have a large form with many fields that are collected to update a Product object. So in the ASPX page the user changes the fields that need updating and they hit submit. In the code behind I do something like this;
Dim p as New MyCompany.Product()
p = p.GetProductById(ProductID)
I extend the Product partial class of Linq to SQL to add this method (GetProductById) to the object
p.Name = txtName.Text
p.SKU = txtSKU.Text
p.Price = txtPrice.Text
This is an Update method in the extended Product partial class. I update the database, send emails and update history tables so i want this method to do all those things.
There are 50 more fields for the project so obviously it would be ridiculous to have a method that collects all 50 fields (and I don't want to go that route anyway bc it's harder to debug IMO)
The Problem:
If I get the Product via Linq to SQL using a DataContext then I can never update it again because it errors about not being able to attach and entity that's already attached to another DataContext.
The Question:
SO if I get an object through a method in my BLL, update it in the ASPX page and then try to send the updates through the BLL again to update the database, how should I go about doing this?