I'm just starting with NumPy so I may be missing some core concepts...
What's the best way to create a NumPy array from a dictionary whose values are lists?
Something like this:
d = { 1: [10,20,30] , 2: [50,60], 3: [100,200,300,400,500] }
Should turn into something like:
data = [
I'm going to do some basic statistics on each row, eg:
deviations = numpy.std(data, axis=1)
What's the best / most efficient way to create the numpy.array from the dictionary? The dictionary is large; a couple of million keys, each with ~20 items.
The number of values for each 'row' are different. If I understand correctly numpy wants uniform size, so what do I fill in for the missing items to make std() happy?
Update: One thing I forgot to mention - while the python techniques are reasonable (eg. looping over a few million items is fast), it's constrained to a single CPU. Numpy operations scale nicely to the hardware and hit all the CPUs, so they're attractive.