



When using Warbler, what line(s) do I need to add to config/warble.rb to keep it from including Active Record in the bundled gems. I already have excluded Active Record in config/environment.rb as shown below.

config.frameworks -= [ :active_record ]

I tried the same thing only using config.gems in config/warble.rb, but to no avail.

+1  A: 

I haven't been able to try either of these ideas, but looking at Nick Sieger's examples :-

  • Does the gem name have to be a String rather than a Symbol?
  • It looks like activerecord maybe being included implicitly because config.gems includes rails and config.gem_dependencies = true. Maybe you need to change config.gem_dependencies to false and explicitly include rails, actioncontroller, etc in config.gems.

It might be instructive to print out or log the value of config.gems from within the warble.rb file.

The second option did the trick.
I'm glad that worked.