



Is there a way to externalize HQL named queries to an external file. I have too many named queries and using @NamedQueries/@NamedQuery at the head of my entities classes is hurting. Is there a way to externalize to several files?


You mean like this: Externalize HQL Queries

John Ellinwood
I don't think that he means that. When you are working with annotations rather than the XML mapping file, you are using the @NamedQueries/@NamedQuery as mentioned above, which puts them inside the class.
+1  A: 

I don't think that this is possible as Annotation attribute/property values must be available at compile time. Therefore, Strings cannot be externalized to a file that needs to be read in by some sort of process.

I tried to find if there was something that might be able to provide, but could not find anything.

An alternative strategy for organization could be storing the queries as constants in a Class.

In your entity class:

@NamedQuery(name="plane.getAll", query=NamedQueries.PLANE_GET_ALL)

Then define a class for your query constants:

public class NamedQueries {
    public static final String PLANE_GET_ALL = "select p from Plane p";
+1  A: 

You can put the queries into class, in, say, root package of your domain objects. However, you must use Hibernate's own @NamedQueries and @NamedQuery annotations, rather than those from javax.persistence.

Example file:

        name = "foo.findAllUsers", 
        query="from Users") 


Then, you have to add the package to your AnnotationConfiguration. I use Spring, so there it's a matter of setting annonatedPackages property:

<bean id="sessionFactory" 
<property name="annotatedClasses">
<property name="annotatedPackages">

You can also put type and filter definitions in the same file as well.


Can I place my named quries in a property file? So when there is a change I just need to restart the server not to recompile the project?


Kashif - did you find out how to externalize HQL named queries so that we dont have compile our code and just restart the application or server should do it.