Is there a way that would allow you to add buttons or forms to the browser UI, since this is not possible with an Input manager or Service menu?
Actually, with an InputManager, it would be possible. SIMBL, the common technique for Safari extensions, is simply a wrapper around InputManagers — it stands for Smart Input Manager Bundle Loader. You can add stuff to the menu bar, to the toolbar, dialogs, anywhere, simply by extending Safari's existing classes.
That said, writing extensions for Safari is not only non-trivial, as æon said, but also completely unsupported. There are some relatively popular ones out there, like Inquisitor (recently acquired by Yahoo!) and Google's Gears, but for the most part, it's very unlike Firefox's extensions, which are an officially-supported, widely used technique.
You also definitely want to take into consideration the special limitations of InputManagers on Leopard.