This question stems from watching Rasmus Lerdorf's talk from Drupalcon. This question and his talk have nothing specifically to do with Drupal, by the way... it was just given at their con. My own question also has nothing specific to do with PHP. It is the single entry point in general that I am curious about.
These days it seems that most frameworks offer a single entry point for whatever you build with them. In his talk Rasmus mentions that he thinks this is bad. It seems to me that he would be correct in this thinking. If everyone hitting the site is coming in through the same entry point wouldn't things bog down after traffic reached a certain point? Wouldn't it be more efficient to allow people direct access to specific points in a site without having their request go through the same point? But perhaps the actual impact is not very bad? Maybe modern architecture can handle it? Maybe you have to be truly gigantic in scale before it becomes even worth considering? I'm curious as to what people on this site think about this issue.